Friday, January 30, 2009

பிரணாப்பு மொய்ஜிங்கோ, இத சொல்லறது நாங்க இல்லீங்கோ. குஷால் பெரேராவுங்கோ

அன்பழகப்பேராசிறியர் நேத்திக்கு இலங்கையிலே எல்லாம் இன்பமயம் அப்படீன்னு பிரணாப்பு மொய்ஜீ சொல்லிருக்கறதா சட்டைச்சப்பையிலே சொல்லீருக்காரு. பிரணாப்பு மொய்ஜிங்கோ, புறநானூத்து மெய்யருங்கோ, இதெ பாருங்கோங்கோ இத சொல்லறது நாங்க இல்லீங்கோ. குஷால் பெரேராவுங்கோ. அட்றா குஜாலுங்கோ

Winning the war and losing the future for the Sinhala South
By Kusal Perera

"Wars, conflict, it's all a business.
One murder makes a villain.
Millions, a hero. Numbers sanctify." - Charlie Chaplin

It's all now a talk of living in a country free of "terrorism". The Separatist Tigers are almost eliminated. Driven to the forests of Mullaitivu and restricted to lick their wounds, till they are completely annihilated as promised by the Defence head. Ruthless and merciless as no other armed organization on this planet earth, the LTTE had to be cornered, tamed and eliminated politically, long before. That not done in a pragmatic manner, we are told "a full scale war" is the only option "within our unitary State". The hard and rigid position of claiming a non-compromising unitary State in a Sinhala dominated country, perhaps left no other option but a war for the majority psyche that believes it owns this plot of marooned land.

Yet, at what cost ? In rupees and cents, the total is huge. It was 130 billion rupees in 2007 plus a supplementary budget that enhanced the defence allocation by another 15 per cent, half way through the year. In 2008 it was 166 billion plus another supplementary budget allocation of 28 billion, making it a staggering 194 billion rupees for the war, with 177 billion budgeted for 2009, for now. Cost of war is not only the allocated annual defence budgets. It is also the cost of rebuilding and replacing the massive destruction caused to buildings, roads, bridges, rail tracks, electricity pylons and other infrastructure, after the war. How many billions more would we need for that ? That in rupees or dollars is not the total lost in this war. Add the productive cost of a society, how ever meagre that may be, that was and is being lost over the years due to war.

full text is at

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